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API Requests

When tests are executed via the Public API, Callbacks can be triggered for Manual Testing, Live Number Testing, and CLI test results by providing a resultsCallbackUrl in the API request.

Callback URL Behavior (API Requests)

No Callback URL in the API Request:

  • Manual and CLI Tests:

No callback will be triggered.

  • Live Number Testing (LNT):

Callback behavior depends on the account-level configuration of General or Individual Callback URLs and follows the logic defined by those settings.

Callback URL in the API Request:

  • A callback will be triggered to the specified resultsCallbackUrl for all test types (Manual, CLI, and LNT).

  • For LNT: If an Individual Callback URL is set at the account level, it will be temporarily overwritten for that specific test/batch of tests by the resultsCallbackUrl provided in the API request.

Manual test callback example:

    "id": 147775,
    "testIdText": "MMjZjKTsnZ",
    "senderDelivered": null,
    "textDelivered": null,
    "testCreatedAt": "2025-01-08T15:33:37.405570Z",
    "smsReceivedAt": null,
    "receiptDelay": null,
    "receiptStatus": "NETWORK_OFFLINE",
    "destinationNetworkDetails": {
        "mcc": "999",
        "mnc": "99",
        "portedFromMnc": null,
        "countryName": null,
        "providerName": null,
        "portedFromProviderName": null,
        "phoneNumber": null
    "smscInfo": null,
    "pdusDelivered": []

CLI test callback example:

    "id": 9184,
    "destinationNetworkDetails": {
        "countryName": "Estonia",
        "mnc": "01",
        "mcc": "248",
        "providerName": "Telia",
        "portedFromMnc": null,
        "portedFromProviderName": null,
        "phoneNumber": "37253971266"
    "testCreatedAt": "2025-01-08T15:40:46.226602Z",
    "receiptStatus": "EXPIRED",
    "callReceivedOnServerAt": null,
    "receiptDelay": null,
    "userId": 2973,
    "cli": null,
    "callReceivedOnPhoneAt": null

LNT callback example:

    "id": 1352936,
    "testIdText": "AiJO",
    "senderSent": "autoTelQ",
    "senderDelivered": "autoTelQ",
    "textSent": "AutomatedCallbacks {TEST_ID_TEXT}",
    "textDelivered": "AutomatedCallbacks AiJO",
    "testCreatedAt": "2025-01-08T15:33:25.725387Z",
    "sessionId": 21480,
    "supplier": {
        "supplierId": 4390,
        "supplierName": "Simulator",
        "routeType": "Premium"
    "smsReceivedAt": "2025-01-08T15:33:26.429963Z",
    "receiptStatus": "POSITIVE",
    "dlrStatus": "DELIVERED",
    "receiptDelay": 1,
    "dlrDelay": 26,
    "scheduledTaskId": null,
    "testIdTextType": "ALPHA_NUMERIC",
    "testIdTextCase": "MIXED",
    "testIdTextLength": 4,
    "destinationNetworkDetails": {
        "mcc": "310",
        "mnc": "012",
        "portedFromMnc": "260",
        "countryName": "United States of America",
        "providerName": "Verizon",
        "portedFromProviderName": "T-Mobile",
        "phone": "16025598356",
        "manualNumber": null
    "smscInfo": {
        "smscNumber": "16025598356",
        "countryCode": "US",
        "mcc": "310",
        "mnc": "012",
        "providerName": "Verizon"
    "retry": false,
    "pdusDelivered": [
    "username": "dev.auto1"
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