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API Settings Page

The platform’s UI enables the configuration of both General and Individual Callback URLs under Integration Settings on the API settings page. These URLs are used to handle test details for Live Number Tests (LNT) executed through all available methods: the platform’s UI, Scheduler, or Public API.  The behavior of callbacks depends on the type of account and the specified callback URL settings.

Screenshot 2024-11-07 at 12.02.07.png

General Callback URL

  • Who can set or update: Main and Deputy accounts only.

  • Function: Receives test details for all Live Number Tests across all accounts (Main, Deputy, and Sub accounts).

Individual Callback URL

  • Who can set or update: Any account (Main, Deputy, or Sub) can set or update their Individual Callback URL.

  • Function: Receives test details specific to the user executing the test.

  • API Behavior:

    • If a test or batch of tests is launched via the Public API with a resultCallbackUrl, the Individual Callback URL is temporarily overridden for that specific test or batch.

Callback URL Behavior (API Settings Page)

The behavior of callbacks depends on the combination and configuration of General and Individual Callback URLs. The scenarios are as follows:

  1. Only General Callback URL Set

When an LNT is executed, test details are sent to the General Callback URL.

  1. Only Individual Callback URL Set

When an LNT is executed, test details are sent to the Individual Callback URL.

  1. Both General and Individual Callback URLs Set (Different URLs)

When an LNT is executed, test details are sent to both the General and Individual Callback URLs.

  1. Both General and Individual Callback URLs Set (Same URL)

When an LNT is executed, test details are sent to the configured URL (General) only once to prevent duplication.

Callback example:

  "id": 1352851,
  "testIdText": "ASkt",
  "senderSent": "autoTelQ",
  "senderDelivered": "autoTelQ",
  "textSent": "AutomatedCallbacks {TEST_ID_TEXT}",
  "textDelivered": "AutomatedCallbacks ASkt",
  "testCreatedAt": "2025-01-08T12:51:49.113737Z",
  "sessionId": 21482,
  "supplier": {
    "supplierId": 4392,
    "supplierName": "Simulator",
    "routeType": "Premium"
  "smsReceivedAt": "2025-01-08T12:51:50.167214Z",
  "receiptStatus": "POSITIVE",
  "dlrStatus": "DELIVERED",
  "receiptDelay": 1,
  "dlrDelay": 4,
  "scheduledTaskId": null,
  "testIdTextType": "ALPHA_NUMERIC",
  "testIdTextCase": "MIXED",
  "testIdTextLength": 4,
  "destinationNetworkDetails": {
    "mcc": "310",
    "mnc": "012",
    "portedFromMnc": "260",
    "countryName": "United States of America",
    "providerName": "Verizon",
    "portedFromProviderName": "T-Mobile",
    "phone": "16025598356",
    "manualNumber": null
  "smscInfo": {
    "smscNumber": "16025598356",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "mcc": "310",
    "mnc": "012",
    "providerName": "Verizon"
  "retry": false,
  "pdusDelivered": [
  "username": "ntcAPI"
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