Creating a Supplier
Once a session is successfully created, suppliers can be added to it by clicking Add Supplier on the SMPP & Suppliers page. There is no limit to the number of suppliers that can be added to a single session.
Enter Mandatory Fields:
Title: Enter the name, ID, or nickname for the supplier. This will be displayed in Live Number Testing for suppliers.
Route Type: Select one of the following options: SS7, SIM, HQ, Wholesale, Direct, or Other. This will be shown in Live Number Testing for suppliers.
Optional Fields:
Attributes: These are optional values you can use to identify or differentiate your routes based on features.
Service Type: This is an optional parameter for routing. Enter the unique value that matches the service type you’ve set up for this supplier on your server.
Comment: This is an optional field where you can add a note for your own or your team’s reference.
Params: Here, you can add UDH and TLV parameters at the supplier level. Please note that these parameters can also be added at the batch level in Live Number Testing.
User Data Header (UDH): This is an optional parameter you can set up for the supplier. UDH is used to specify how a message should be formatted or processed, such as for Concatenated SMS or Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS).
UDH uses part of the message space, so longer UDH means less space for message text. You can enter the UDH here if you want it set at the supplier level, or use it on a case-by-case basis in Live Number Testing.
Example of UDH structure:
06: UDH length (calculated automatically).
08: IEI Predefined sound.
04: IE Length (calculated automatically).
0001: Message reference (position and chord high).
02: Total number of parts.
01: Part number.
TLV (Tag-Length-Value): This is an optional parameter for the supplier, used as a unique identifier for routing. Like UDH, you can set it up at the supplier level or on a case-by-case basis in Live Number Testing.
TLV parameters can be found in the optional parameters section of the Submit_sm command for the test.
Once the supplier is created, it will appear in the Supplier section on the Live Number Testing page as well as on SMPP & Suppliers page under the specified session. The supplier will be enabled and ready to start testing immediately.
Additionally, suppliers can be moved from one session to another. To do this, you must first check the checkbox next to the supplier’s name. Once a supplier is selected, the available action options such as Move and Delete will appear. By clicking Move, a pop-up will appear showing all the previously created sessions, allowing you to transfer the supplier to any of them.
Note: The session cannot be deleted until all the related suppliers are deleted or moved to another session.