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Import Sessions and Suppliers

To make it easier for you to upload multiple sessions and/or suppliers, you can use the “Import from Excel“ button to add your Excel file and upload all your entries at once from both the SMPP & Suppliers menu.

Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 15.11.52.png

Please make sure that the file contains the same headers as the example file that you can download. The columns cannot be renamed, skipped or moved.

Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 15.15.30.png

Please be mindful of what action you would like to carry out. The import functionality can be used for:

  1. Adding a new session and supplier (example 1 in the excel file) - in this case the mandatory details are:
    - For connection: Login, Password (maximum 9 characters), Host, Port
    - For supplier: Title, RouteType

  2. Creating a new session only, so only the 4 mandatory fields for sessions need to be filled in (example 2 in the excel file)

  3. Adding a new supplier to an existing session - in this case all the details from example 1 except the password need to be specified (example 3 in the excel file)

In addition to the mandatory fields, there are some optional ones which, if left blank, will be uploaded with the below default settings:

  1. Throughput (SMS/second): 5

  2. Destination TON: 1

  3. Destination NPI: 1

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