Import Connections and Suppliers
To make it easier for you to upload multiple connections and/or suppliers, you can use the “Import from Excel“ button to add your Excel file and upload all your entries at once from both the Suppliers and SMPP Connections menu.

Please make sure that the file contains the same headers as the example file that you can download. The columns cannot be renamed, skipped or moved.

The mandatory details are:
For connection: Login, Password (maximum 9 characters), Host, Port
For supplier: Title, RouteType
Please note that for Route Type you need to write one of the following: SS7, SIM, HQ, Direct, Wholesale, Other. If your route type does not match any of these, our system will not be able to upload them.
In case you leave the optional cells blank, the following default settings will be applied:
Throughput (SMS/second): 5
Destination TON: 1
Destination NPI: 1