LNT (Live Number Testing) Visibility
Test Templates
Main, Deputy, and Sub Account (Enabled Test Result View): Can view all test templates across all accounts.
Main and Deputy: Can update any test templates.
Sub Account (Enabled Test Result View): Can update only the test templates they created.
Sub Account (Disabled Test Result View): Can view and update only their own created test templates.
Content Templates
Main, Deputy, and Sub Account (Enabled Test View): Can view and update all content templates created across all accounts.
Main and Deputy: Can delete any content template.
Sub Account (Enabled Test View): Can delete only the templates they created.
Sub Account (Disabled Test Result View): Can view, update, and delete their own created templates only.
All users, regardless of account type, can use and see suppliers created across all related accounts.
Test Result View and Filtering
Main, Deputy, and Sub Account (Enabled Test Result View): Can see and perform filtering across all related accounts test results.
Sub Account (Disabled Test Result View): Can view and filter only their own executed test results.
Favorite Destinations
Favorite destinations are user-specific. If selected by a main account, they are displayed only for that main account and apply across available testing types if applicable.
Favorite Supplier
Favorite suppliers are distinct to the user. For instance, if selected by a deputy account, they are displayed only for that deputy account.