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Schedules Page

When creating a scheduled task on the Schedules page, users can specify a Callback URL to receive test results. The behavior of the Callback mechanism here is determined by the reporting rules specified by the user in the task configuration.

Screenshot 2024-11-07 at 11.49.58.png

Callback URL Behavior (Scheduler)

  • No Callback URL in the Scheduler Task:

If a callback URL is not specified in the Scheduler task, no Scheduler callback will be sent, however, LNT callback will depend on the General or Individual Callback URLs settings at the account level.

  • Callback URL Specified in the Scheduler Task:

If a callback URL is provided in the Scheduler task, the behavior of the callback will adhere to the specified reporting rules. If the rules are met, a callback will be sent to the provided URL. The Callback URL specified in the task does not affect the account-level Callback URL settings.

Scheduler callback example:

  "reportId": 180445,
  "createdAt": "2024-10-01T11:56:55.632300Z",
  "scheduledTaskId": 11478,
  "scheduledTaskTitle": "Callback test with 1 rule",
  "testId": 1219079,
  "senderId": "sender",
  "text": "sender replaced {TEST_ID_TEXT} ",
  "phone": "79409123032",
  "sessionId": 12476,
  "supplier": {
    "id": 892,
    "title": "DLR and RS",
    "routeType": "Simulator"
  "reportRule": {
    "receiptStatus": "SENDER_REPLACED",
    "receiptStatusWaitingTimeSec": null,
    "dlrStatus": null,
    "dlrStatusWaitingTimeSec": null
  "receiptDelay": 0,
  "dlrDelay": 0,
  "callbackUrl": ""


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