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Account settings

Account settings


The Account settings section can be used by main account and deputy accounts to view and modify the settings of both their own accounts and the subaccounts. If you are logged in with a subaccount, then you will not have access to any accounts except your own. If you are logged in as a deputy, then you have access to modify any account except for the main (admin) account. It is important to know that there can be only one main (admin) account and a maximum of 500 active subaccounts and deputy accounts.

Account Settings are tucked in at the bottom left corner. You can access them by hovering on your account name. From here, a main account and a deputy account will have access to My account, Subaccounts and Logs, whereas the subaccounts will not have the Subaccounts menu.

My account


This menu can be used to check and edit your account’s settings. As noticed in the screenshot below, you may edit all the information regarding your company, except for the email address used to create the account. In case you need to modify your email address, please get in touch with us and we will change it for you. 


Furthermore, you may:

  • set the minimum balance alert to notify you when your balance gets below a certain amount

  • set the TTL value (waiting time for the receipt confirmation from our test number) for your organization

  • enable/disable Backup tests (for more information on Backup tests, please see chapter Backup tests)

  • set the 2FA (two-factor authentication) for your account

  • view your account’s trusted devices

  • change your password by pressing on “Change password”

  • whitelist the IPs that are allowed to test. Note: this will impact all the accounts in your organization.

It is important to note that the TTL value will only be displayed in the main account and deputy accounts and that, once set, it will be a default value for all accounts.
The TTL specified here will always be used, unless a different TTL is set in the Settings of Live Number Testing section at the time of the testing.


  • You will receive an email each time you change your password, indicating when this change was requested. In case you were not the person who requested this change, please let us know immediately.

  • To add another layer of protection to your account, we advise you to set the 2FA by clicking on the Enable button at the bottom of the page. Please note this option is available to parent account, deputy accounts and subaccounts as well.

  • Our trusted device feature saves your device details on every login to ensure your account is secured. Once per month, you will be asked to enter an OTP code (sent via email) to prevent any unauthorized access. In “My devices“ your device and browser details will be available for viewing.

  • In case you would like to whitelist IPs allowed to log in and test, you can do so in the IP whitelisting section. Restricting testing based on IP is advisable in case you would like to ensure no other users would be granted access to your TelQ account aside from the ones using the whitelisted IP. In case your IP is dynamic, you can set up the network range as well.



This menu is displayed in both main accounts and deputy accounts. When accessing it, you will be able to view all the registered deputy accounts and subaccounts. In order to issue an invite to a new team member/distribution list, please click on ‘Invites’ as highlighted in the screenshot:

After you click on ‘Invites’, a pop-up window similar to the below example will appear. Enter the new user’s email address and click on Send in order to issue the invitation. The person(s) receiving the email will have to register within 7 days in order to activate their subaccount. Furthermore, you will see listed the email addresses for which an invite had already been issued and they will show the box “joined” if they already registered. 

The main account and deputy account(s) will have the option to promote a subaccount into a deputy account as well as demote a deputy into a subaccount. They will also have the possibility to edit the subaccounts’ information and also to restrict the visibility of tests and templates.

Below you may find a screenshot of the Subaccounts menu section with the explanations for each action button:

is used to enable or disable a subaccount. This option allows you to re-activate the subaccount later on.

is used to restrict the visibility of tests and templates for the specific subaccount. If you leave it disabled, the subaccount will only see their own tests and templates. If you enable it, the subaccount will be able to see all the tests issued and templates created in all the accounts attached to your company (main or other subaccounts).

For deputy accounts, this setting is always enabled and they will by default see all results and templates.

is used to promote a subaccount to a deputy account (enable) or demote a deputy account to a subaccount (disable).


has 2 options: first button is to Edit the subaccount details and the second button is to delete the subaccount. If you choose to delete the subaccount, you will not have the option to reactivate it later on.

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